Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Clean your house - improve your health

Cleaning your home should not be hazardous to your health! One of the most significant changes in your life to improve your health and the health of your indoor pets is to rid your home of toxic household cleaners. Wouldn't you prefer your kitchen to smell like fresh lemons, grapefruits and rosemary? How about inviting visitors into your family room with the uplifting scent of peppermint? Here are some recipes to get you started:

Floor Cleaner
1/4 cup white vinegar to a bucket of water
10 drops lemon essential oil
4 drops oregano essential oil
Both lemon and oregano essential oils have powerful antiseptic properties!

Homemade Soft Scrub
1/2 cup baking soda
Liquid Castile Soap
5 drops Lavender essential oil and/or 5 drops Tea Tree essential oil (my favorite is geranium oil)

Place the baking soda in a bowl. Slowly pour in liquid soap stirring constantly, add liquid soap until the consistency resembles frosting. Add the essential oils. Scoop the creamy mixture onto a sponge, scrub the surface, and then rinse. If you add a little pure vegetable glycerin to the baking soda, the mixture will stay moist for a long time in a jar with a tight lid.

I love adding lemon essential oil to my dish water. It makes the whole kitchen smell like lemons plus the lemon oil is a fabulous de-greaser and it has anti-septic properties.

Don't forget to spritz your sofa with a mix of water and peppermint oil. It has a very refreshing scent and is a natural insect repellent.

For your pet bedding, mix 5 drops of lavender and peppermint oil in a small spray bottle and occasionally mist the bedding. Both lavender and peppermint are flea repellents and the scent "refreshes" the bed in between washing.

Dust Mites? It is time to open up the camper and unroll the sleeping bags. Sometimes these bring out dust mites and bed bugs. Mix 10-15 drops of lemongrass essential oil and water. Misting the area after a good shake will discourage these little bug from sticking around.

One of the best things I've ever purchased is the Thieves Household Cleaner from Young Living. I have replaced ALL of my other household cleaners with this one. I use it to steam clean my carpets, wash the floors, clean kitty litter boxes, wash walls, disinfect bathrooms, wash dog dishes, scrub out outside water bins for the large animals, upholstery cleaning and just about everything! It is also excellent at cleaning up the occasional dog accident or kitty puke. And- it fills the air with the wonderful scents of cinnamon, clove and lemon - yum!

Most of our indoor pets spend a lot of time on the floors and will often walk across the freshly cleaned surface. Cleaning with pure therapeutic-grade essential oils improves their health one sniff at a time. Plus, makes your home smell wonderful!

To purchase any of these essential oils or the Thieves cleaner, click here. www.youngliving.org/tresalaferty

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