Thursday, May 20, 2010

Positively Positive

I recently spent some time in Kentucky with my family and in particular, my 9 year old niece. She had broken her thumb while playing softball and had a cast put on. During my visit, she was scheduled to have her cast removed and she asked if I could go with her to the doctor. She was pretty nervous so was in "talking" mode. She kept saying "I can't wait to get this cast off. I hate having it on!" After a while, I noticed that she kept using negative statements with just about everything she talked about. She is a very happy kid so this just didn't fit her. I told her that we'd play a little game. I told her "let's make every statement we say a positive one." For the "I don't like pop (yes, she actually said this)" we said "I like water better." For "One of my class mates is mean and I don't like him" to "I would rather spend time with a nice friend." Her big moment came when we switched her "I can't wait to get this cast off. I hate having it on" to "I'm glad I only have to experience this once." When she said this she just lit up and exclaimed "I love this game. I feel so much better when I'm positive. I'm going to talk this way all the time!"

To realize that your words have a direct effect on how you feel is a powerful realization no matter what the age.

Take time to carefully word your statements and be sure they have a positive nature to them. The people around you will feel better and so will you!

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