Monday, February 21, 2011

Blue Lace Agate - Peacemaker!

I'm kind of going through a blue phase, not a sad blue phase but a "cool" blue phase...  I'm loving my blue stones these days.  My latest favorite is, Blue Lace Agate.   This stone can can help relieve headaches  and painful swollen glands in the neck.   It calms stress and stress-related conditions and can soothe skin allergies. One of my favorite uses of this lovely stone is making use of it's peacemaker energies. It can send peaceful energies to war-torn places (gee, we need that, right!) Just place it near a picture or other memorabilia of a place that needs peace and let it do it's magic.

At work, wear or carry it when you want to avoid confrontations and it helps you think on your feet. For our animal friends, it can reduce barking in a dog, screeching in birds and yowling in a cat. Just put it near the "offender" or add a stone to their drinking water.

For those spiritual journeyers, this beautiful blue stone develops clairaudience (clear hearing) and helps you deliver your messages in a positive and uplifting manner. It also helps develop your 5th Chakra (throat Chakra).

To recharge your Blue Lace Agate friend, use the moonlight as the moon begins to wax.

 I will be covering this stone and more in my class series, Speaking to the Earth.  To read more about these classes, click here.

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